The following segment aired on “The Balancing Act” on Lifetime Television. Joining the show was Kristin Wertz to discuss Pizza Hut’s world hunger relief efforts.
The Balancing Act: Welcome back to “The Balancing Act” and now, before the break, I gave you a behind the scenes look at my very own balancing act and while some days really do feel like a struggle for me, I know my challenges. Well, they’re nothing compared with the millions of moms out there just struggling to serve their children a well-balanced meal. In fact, worldwide an average one in seven children go to bed hungry every night, but there are ways we can all help fight world hunger. Joining “The Balancing Act” to help explain this morning is Kristin Wertz. She leads Corporate Social Responsibility for Pizza Hut, which is conducting a world hunger relief effort right now. Hey, Kristin, good morning.
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