
Urologist Paul Perito MD | Ectopic Kidneys Are Rarely Diagnosed

Renal ectopia occurs in around one in 1000 live births but only 10% of those are diagnosed, says Paul Perito MD.

Under normal circumstances, reports Paul Perito MD, the kidneys are situated in the posterior of the abdominal cavity on both sides of the body and protected by the ribs. Occasional factors can interfere with kidney development, causing a condition known as renal ectopia, or ectopic kidneys. In individuals with ectopic kidney disorder the kidneys are not in their standard anatomical position, says Paul Perito MD. According to Paul Perito MD, renal ectopia is often discovered when a patient undergoes an x-ray or surgery for an unrelated condition. Commonly, patients seeking medical advice for urinary tract infections or abdominal pain lead to the diagnosis of an ectopic kidney, says Paul Perito MD.

Ectopic kidneys may be found in any position along the path they traveled during in utero development, says Paul Perito MD. Simple renal ectopia is defined as a kidney located on its proper side of the body, but in a nonconforming position. According to Paul Perito MD, crossed renal ectopia is when a kidney is found opposite its normal position resulting in both kidneys resting together on the same side of the body. Paul Perito MD notes that this condition is often associated with other congenital deformities.

Symptoms of ectopic kidneys may include frequent UTIs, kidney stones, versicouretal reflux (the back up of urine into the ureters and kidneys), and even kidney failure, says Paul Perito MD.  Even with the malorientation of the kidney, functionality usually remains normal, although obstruction can occur and lead to complications. Conventionally located kidneys can have the same abnormalities as ectopic kidneys and are also susceptible to obstructions and infections, notes Paul Perito MD.

Most cases of ectopic kidney do not need treatment. Paul Perito MD notes that if vesicoureteral reflux is causing chronic infections, it can be corrected with surgery. Badly damaged and scarred kidneys may lead to a nephrectomy, or removal of the organ. Generally, the body will compensate for the loss of one kidney by more efficiently utilizing the remaining organ.


Urological surgeon Paul Perito MD has devoted his entire professional career to treating men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. He is the founder and namesake of Miami’s Perito Urology, where he conceived and initiated the world’s first minimally invasive approach to penile implantation. Paul Perito MD has performed over 3000 of these procedures on men across the globe that enjoy a shorter recovery time and less scarring than traditional implantation methods. Since 1995, Paul Perito MD and Perito Urology have become synonymous with effective erectile dysfunction treatment and world-class service unparalleled anywhere in the nation. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland Medical School as well as a frequent contributor to text published by medical journals nationwide.

The information contained in this article is provided by Paul Perito MD for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any condition.

Paul Perito MD

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9 Responses


Hi Paul Perito MD, I have ectopic Kidneys but I don’t feel strange about it. What are the treatments available for this condition Paul Perito MD? I hope you could answer my question Paul Perito MD!

@Jason No treatment for an ectopic kidney is needed if urinary function is normal. “Urologist Paul Perito MD | Ectopic Kidneys Are Rarely Diagnosed” -Paul Perito MD


I really appreciate sharing this great post Paul Perito MD. Please continue to post valuable information Paul Perito MD. Thanks for this useful content Paul Perito MD!

@Biggy Thank you very much for your comment. I appreciate it a lot. “Urologist Paul Perito MD | Ectopic Kidneys Are Rarely Diagnosed” -Paul Perito MD


@Paul Perito MD Thank you Paul Perito MD for your quick response. I really appreciate you time answering my question. Thank you so much Paul Perito MD!


Hello Paul Perito MD, I just discovered that I have ectopic kidney last week when I took an x ray. Good to know that this condition do not need treatment. Thanks for this article Paul Perito MD.

@Rony Most cases of ectopic kidney do not need treatment. An ectopic kidney should cause no serious long-term health problems. “Urologist Paul Perito MD | Ectopic Kidneys Are Rarely Diagnosed” Paul Perito MD

An ectopic kidney may not cause any symptoms and will function normally, even though it is not in its usual position. Thanks for this useful content Paul Perito MD! Looking forward for more of your post Paul Perito MD.

@Marco Thank you for reading my article and leaving me a nice comment. “Urologist Paul Perito MD | Ectopic Kidneys Are Rarely Diagnosed” Paul Perito MD

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