
Eloi Kummetz Announces New Initiatives to Meet Basic Needs of Citizens Across the Globe

Eloi Kummetz believes in fostering economic development wherever it is needed. Although his business, Kummetz Corporation, was incorporated in Nevada, Eloi Kummetz continually sees opportunities in other countries to foster economic development and help citizens. Through Kummetz Corporation, Eloi Kummetz is announcing a new initiative to help fulfill basic needs of residents in South America and Africa, including increasing hospitals, educational institutions, and meeting such basic needs as food and water.

For too many South American and African residents, access to medicine is limited, Eloi Kummetz explains. In more remote areas of these countries, citizens do not have nearby hospitals, resulting in an increased mortality rate in those areas. By working with development companies in South America and Africa, Eloi Kummetz hopes Kummetz Corporation can build more hospitals in both of these countries, improving the quality of life for citizens.

By helping grow the educational system in South America and Africa, Eloi Kummetz hopes to create a better-educated workforce for both countries’ futures. Well-educated children become well-educated adults, Eloi Kummetz states, which leads to brilliant leaders with great ideas for economic development. South America and Africa need more schools, Eloi Kummetz explains, with talented teachers and tutors willing to work with children to help them learn. Through Kummetz Corporation, Eloi Kummetz believes he can use existing contacts to make a big difference in the educational infrastructure of South America and Africa.

Without access to food and water, however, Eloi Kummetz points out that none of the above issues can be addressed. The lack of availability of water in many areas throughout the world has gotten great attention in recent years. Many areas of both South America and Africa have little access to water, which poses not only a risk of dehydration but sanitation, as some residents drink and cook with water from dirty ponds out of desperation. Some residents in rural and poor areas must walk for miles to get water for families to use, carrying back heavy loads, Eloi Kummetz explains.

By improving agriculture in South America and Brazil, Eloi Kummetz hopes to enhance food production in both countries. This will not only provide exports that can help bring money into the countries, Eloi Kummetz explains, but will also provide basic essentials to citizens who so desperately need it.

Eloi Kummetz and Kummetz Corporation continue to work to build economic infrastructures while protecting the environment throughout the world. Whether this means meeting basic needs of residents or finding new opportunities to foster financial development in areas that need it, Eloi Kummetz holds that working to improve the world is Kummetz Corporation’s mission.

Eloi Kummetz

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10 Responses

I think Eloi Kummetz company is the key of getting lack of basic facilities in south America and Africa. We pray that Eloi Kummetz mission will succeed and lot’s of people will giving benefit of this project. We really appreciate your effort of doing this project Eloi Kummetz.

@Arnold – Thank you so much for leaving your comment “Eloi Kummetz Announces New Initiatives to Meet Basic Needs of Citizens Across the Globe”. – Eloi Kummetz

This Eloi Kummetz educational system is a big help for those children who really wants a good education. Thanks for sharing such wonderful thoughts Eloi Kummetz. And hoping that Eloi Kummetz company will be the start of new life in south America and Africa.

@Sherwin – Thanks for the good feedback “Eloi Kummetz Announces New Initiatives to Meet Basic Needs of Citizens Across the Globe”. – Eloi Kummetz


If that’s the idea of Eloi Kummetz company it is possible that the citizen will get an inexpensive rate on the hospital? I really amaze of Eloi Kummetz believes in life a very positive. Thanks for your concern and effort to help Eloi Kummetz.

@Dinnes – We don’t actually have a final decision for the hospital rate, but we assure that it’s affordable to the citizen “Eloi Kummetz Announces New Initiatives to Meet Basic Needs of Citizens Across the Globe”. Thank you so much! -Eloi Kummetz


Thanks Eloi Kummetz, It’s nice to hear that from you.


It’s true Eloi Kummetz that some resident walk for a miles to get some water to use at home, and this might difficult to them. What will be the solution of Eloi Kummetz company on this issue? and how long will it takes for this project? Thanks Eloi Kummetz!

@Joseph – We are find a solutions about this issue of some residents and i think, it’s gonna take a more time for this project. “Eloi Kummetz Announces New Initiatives to Meet Basic Needs of Citizens Across the Globe”. Thank you so much! – Eloi Kummetz


Thanks Eloi Kummetz, looking forward to read and as well as share some knowledgeable information with you soon.

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